Google Slides Keyboard Shortcuts

Google Slides Keyboard Shortcuts

Google Slides gives tough competition to Microsoft PowerPoint. You can add charts and videos, create an interactive table of contents, autoplay a video, and much more. Like PowerPoint, Google Slides also supports a wide variety of keyboard shortcuts.

Google Slides Keyboard Shortcuts Download

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You can use keyboard shortcuts in Google Slides for almost everything. For instance, common actions include creating a new slide, duplicating a slide, opening menus, and presenting slides. Let’s check the Google Slides keyboard shortcuts.

WindowsmacOSChrome OSFunction
Common Actions
Ctrl + MCtrl + MCtrl + MCreate a new slide.
Ctrl + DCommand + DCtrl + DDuplicate slide
Ctrl + ZCommand + ZCtrl + ZUndo the last action.
Ctrl + Y or Ctrl + Shift + ZCommand + Y or Command + Shift + ZCtrl + Y or Ctrl + Shift + ZRedo the last action.
Ctrl + CCommand + CCtrl + CCopy the selected item.
Ctrl + XCommand + XCtrl + XCut selected item.
Ctrl + VCommand + VCtrl + VPaste the selected item.
Ctrl + Alt + CCommand + Option + CCtrl + Alt + CCopy formatting of the selected text or shape.
Ctrl + Alt + VCommand + Option + VCtrl + Alt + VPaste the formatting of the selected text or shape.
Ctrl + KCommand + KCtrl + KInsert or edit the link.
Alt + EnterOption + EnterAlt + EnterOpen link.
DeleteDeleteBackspaceDelete the selected item.
Ctrl + ACommand + ACtrl + ASelect all.
Holding Ctrl + Alt, press U then AHolding Ctrl + Command, press U then AHolding Ctrl + Alt, press U then ASelect none.
Ctrl + FCommand + FCtrl + FFind in sheet.
Ctrl + HCommand + Shift + HCtrl + HFind and replace.
Ctrl + GCommand + GCtrl + GFind again.
Ctrl + Shift + GCommand + Shift + GCtrl + Shift + GFind previous item.
Basic Actions
Ctrl + OCommand + OCtrl + OOpen a file.
Ctrl + PCommand + PCtrl + PPrint sheet.
Ctrl + SCommand + SCtrl + SSave sheet manually(Every change is automatically saved in Drive)
Ctrl + /Command + /Ctrl + /Show common keyboard shortcuts.
Alt + /
or Alt + Z
Option + /
or Ctrl + Option + Z
Alt + /
or Alt + Z
Search the menus.
Ctrl + Shift + FCtrl + Shift + FHide or show menus (compact mode).
Ctrl + Shift + CCtrl + Shift + FCtrl + Shift + CTurn on captions while presenting.
Ctrl + Alt + YCommand + Shift + CCtrl + Alt + YAlt text.
Film Strip Actions
Page up or Up arrowUp arrowAlt + Up arrow or Up arrowMove focus to the previous slide.
Page down or Down arrowDown arrowAlt + Down arrow or Down arrowMove focus to the next slide.
HomeFn + Left arrowCtrl + Alt + Up arrowMove focus to the first slide.
EndFn + Right arrowCtrl + Alt + Down arrowMove focus to the last slide.
Ctrl + Up arrowCommand + Up arrowCtrl + Up arrowMove the slide up.
Ctrl + Down arrowCommand + Down arrowCtrl + Down arrowMove slide down.
Ctrl + Shift + Up arrowCommand + Shift + Up arrowCtrl + Shift + Up arrowMove the slide to beginning.
Ctrl + Shift + Down arrowCommand + Shift + Down arrowCtrl + Shift + Down arrowMove the slide to the end.
Shift + Up arrowShift + Up arrowShift + Up arrowSelect the previous slide.
Shift + Down arrowShift + Down arrowShift + Down arrowSelect the next slide.
Shift + HomeShift + Fn + Left arrowShift + HomeSelect the first slide.
Shift + EndShift + Fn + Right arrowShift + EndSelect the last slide.
Ctrl + Alt + Plus (+)Command + Option + Plus (+)Ctrl + Alt + Plus (+)Zoom in.
Ctrl + Alt + Minus (-)Command + Option + Minus (-)Ctrl + Alt + Minus (-)Zoom out.
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + FCommand + Option + Shift + FCtrl + Alt + Shift + FMove to filmstrip.
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + CCommand + Option + Shift + CCtrl + Alt + Shift + CMove to canvas.
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + SCommand + Option + Shift + SCtrl + Alt + Shift + SOpen speaker notes panel.
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + PCommand + Option + Shift + PCtrl + Alt + Shift + PChange to HTML view of the presentation.
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + BCommand + Option + Shift + BCtrl + Alt + Shift + BOpen the animations panel.
EnterEnterEnterContinue in the animation preview.
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ICommand + Option + Shift + ICtrl + Alt + Shift + IOpen Explore.
Ctrl + Alt + Period (.)
or Ctrl + Alt + ,
Command + Shift + Y
or Command + Option + Period (.)
Ctrl + Shift + Y
or Alt + Shift + Period (.)
Go to the side panel.
Ctrl + Shift + YCommand + Option + ,Open dictionary.
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + HCommand + Option + Shift + HOpen revision history panel.
holding Ctrl + Alt, press E then Pholding Ctrl + Command, press E then PAlt + Shift + Comma (,)
or holding Ctrl + Alt, press E then P
Open cell border selection (for tables).
EnterEnterPlay the selected video.
EscEscEscExit the current mode.
Ctrl + Shift + \
or Ctrl + Shift + X
or Shift + F10
Command + Shift + \
or Shift + F10
Ctrl + Shift + X
or Shift + F10
Open Context menu.
Alt + F
or Alt + Shift + F
Ctrl + Option + FAlt + FOpen File menu.
Alt + E or Alt + Shift + ECtrl + Option + EAlt + EOpen Edit menu.
Alt + V or Alt + Shift + VCtrl + Option + VAlt + VOpen View menu.
Alt + I or Alt + Shift + ICtrl + Option + IAlt + IOpen Insert menu.
Alt + O or Alt + Shift + OCtrl + Option + OAlt + OOpen Format menu.
Alt + T or Alt + Shift + TCtrl + Option + TAlt + TOpenTools menu.
Alt + H or Alt + Shift + HCtrl + Option + HAlt + HOpen the Help menu.
Alt + A or Alt + Shift + AAlt + AAccessibility menu (present when screen reader support is enabled).
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + KCommand + Option + Shift + KCtrl + Alt + Shift + KInput tools menu (available in presentations in non-Latin languages).
Ctrl + Shift + KCommand + Shift + KCtrl + Shift + KToggle input controls (available in presentations in non-Latin languages).
Ctrl + Alt + MCommand + Option + MCtrl + Alt + MInsert comment.
holding Ctrl + Enterholding Ctrl + EnterCtrl + EnterEnter the current comment.
holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then Cholding Ctrl + Command, press N then Cholding Ctrl + Alt, press N then CMove to the next comment in the presentation.
holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then Cholding Ctrl + Command, press P then Cholding Ctrl + Alt, press P then CMove to the previous comment in the presentation.
JJJWhen the focus is on comment, move to next comment.
KKKWhen focus is on comment, move to previous comment.
RRRWhen focus is on comment, reply to comment.
EEEWhen focus is on comment, resolve comment.
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ACommand + Option + Shift + ACtrl + Alt + Shift + AOpen comment discussion thread.
Use Keyboard Shortcuts on Selected Comments
RRRReply to the current comment.
JJJMove to the next comment.
KKKMove to the previous comment.
EEEResolve the current comment.
UUUExit current comment.
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + NCommand + Alt + Shift + NCtrl + Alt + Shift + NHide comment.
Ctrl + BCommand + BCtrl + BBold text.
Ctrl + ICommand + ICtrl + IItalicize text.
Ctrl + UCommand + UCtrl + UUnderline text.
Ctrl + ,Command + ,Ctrl + ,Add Subscript
Ctrl + .Command + .Ctrl + .Add Superscript.
Alt + Shift + 5Command + Shift + XAlt + Shift + 5Add Strikethrough.
Ctrl + \ or Ctrl + SpaceCommand + \ (back slash)Ctrl + Space or Ctrl + \Clear formatting.
Ctrl + Shift + >Command + Shift + >Ctrl + Shift + >Increase font size.
Ctrl + Shift + <Command + Shift + <Ctrl + Shift + <Decrease font size.
Ctrl + Shift + LCommand + Shift + LCtrl + Shift + LLeft align.
Ctrl + Shift + RCommand + Shift + RCtrl + Shift + RRight align.
Ctrl + Shift + ECommand + Shift + ECtrl + Shift + ECenter align.
Ctrl + Shift + JCommand + Shift + JCtrl + Shift + JJustify text.
Alt + Shift + Down arrowOption + Shift + Up arrowMove the paragraph down.
Alt + Shift + Up arrowOption + Shift + Down arrowMove the paragraph up.
Ctrl + ]Command + ]Ctrl + ]Increase indent.
Ctrl + [Command + [Ctrl + [Decrease indent.
Ctrl + Shift + 8Command + Shift + 8Ctrl + Shift + 8Bulleted list.
Ctrl + Shift + 7Command + Shift + 7Ctrl + Shift + 7Numbered list.
Holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press E then IHolding Ctrl + Command + Shift, press E then IHolding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press E then ISelect list item.
Holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press E then OHolding Ctrl + Command + Shift, press E then OHolding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, press E then OSelect list items at the current level.
Holding Ctrl + Alt, press N then WHolding Ctrl + Command, press N then WHolding Ctrl + Alt, press N then WMove to the next text formatting change.
Holding Ctrl + Alt, press P then WHolding Ctrl + Command, press P then WHolding Ctrl + Alt, press P then WMove to the previous text formatting change.
Ctrl + ‘Command + ‘Ctrl + ‘Move to the next misspelling.
Ctrl + ;Command + ;Ctrl + ;Move to the previous misspelling.
Move and Arrange Objects
Ctrl + DCommand + DCtrl + DDuplicate item.
Ctrl + Alt + GCommand + Option + GCtrl + Alt + GGroup item.
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + GCommand + Option + Shift + GCtrl + Alt + Shift + GUngroup items.
Ctrl + Down arrowCommand + Down arrowCtrl + Down arrowSend backward.
Ctrl + Up arrowCommand + Up arrowCtrl + Up arrowBring forward.
Ctrl + Shift + Down arrowCommand + Shift + Down arrowCtrl + Shift + Down arrowSend to back.
Ctrl + Shift + Up arrowCommand + Shift + Up arrowCtrl + Shift + Up arrowBring to front.
TabTabTabSelect the next shape.
Shift + TabShift + TabShift + TabSelect the previous shape.
Arrow keysArrow keysArrow keysNudge up, down, left, or right.
Shift + Arrow keysShift + Arrow keysShift + Arrow keysNudge one pixel at a time.
Rotate & Resize
Alt + Shift + Left arrowOption + Shift + Left arrowAlt + Shift + Left arrowRotate counterclockwise by 1°.
Alt + Shift + Right arrowOption + Shift + Right arrowAlt + Shift + Right arrowRotate clockwise by 1°.
Alt + Left arrowOption + Left arrowAlt + Left arrowRotate counterclockwise by 15°.
Alt + Right arrowOption + Right arrowAlt + Right arrowRotate clockwise by 15°.
Ctrl + Alt + BCommand + Ctrl + BCtrl + Alt + BResize larger horizontally.
Ctrl + Alt + ICommand + Ctrl + ICtrl + Alt + IResize larger vertically.
Ctrl + Alt + JCommand + Ctrl + JCtrl + Alt + JResize smaller.
Ctrl + Alt + KCommand + Ctrl + KCtrl + Alt + KResize larger.
Ctrl + Alt + QCommand + Ctrl + QCtrl + Alt + QResize smaller vertically.
Ctrl + Alt + wCommand + Ctrl + WCtrl + Alt + WResize smaller horizontally.
EnterEnterEnterExit crop mode.
Alt + Move with mouseCommand + Move with mouseCtrl + Move with mouseSuppress guides.
Ctrl + Move with mouseOption + Move with mouseCtrl + Resize with mouseDuplicate.
Ctrl + Resize with mouseOption + Resize with mouseShift + Move with mouseResize from center.
Shift + Move with mouseShift + Move with mouseShift + Resize with mouseConstrain to vertical or horizontal movements.
Shift + Resize with mouseShift + Resize with mouseShift + Rotate with mouseConstrain to object’s aspect ratio.
Shift + Rotate with mouseShift + Rotate with mouseShift + ClickConstrain to 15° rotation increments.
Ctrl + F5Command + Enter or Command + Shift + EnterCtrl + Search + 5Present slides.
EscEscEscStop presenting.
Right arrowRight arrowRight arrowGo to the next slide.
Left arrowLeft arrowLeft arrowGo to the previous slide.
Number followed by EnterNumber followed by EnterNumber followed by EnterGo to specific slide (9 followed by Enter goes to slide 9).
HomeHomeHomeGo to the first slide.
EndEndEndGo to the last slide.
SSSOpen speaker notes.
AAAOpen audience tools.
LLLToggle laser pointer.
Ctrl + Shift + CCommand + Shift + CCtrl + Shift + CToggle captions (English only).
F11Command + Shift + FF11Toggle full screen.
B or .B or .B or .Show a blank black slide.
Press any keyPress any keyPress any keyReturn to the presentation from a blank black slide.
W or ,W or ,W or ,Show a blank white slide.
Press any keyPress any keyPress any keyReturn to the presentation from a blank white slide.
Video Player
KKKToggle play/pause.
UUURewind 10 seconds.
OOOFast forward 10 seconds.
Shift + ,Shift + ,Shift + ,Previous frame (while paused).
Shift + .Shift + .Shift + .Next frame (while paused).
Ctrl + Shift + ,Command + Shift + ,Ctrl + Shift + ,Decrease playback rate.
Ctrl + Shift + .Command + Shift + .Ctrl + Shift + .Increase playback rate.
Shift + 0..9Shift + 0..9Shift + 0..9Seek to a specific point in the video (Shift+7 advances to 70% of duration).
CCCToggle captions on/off.
FFFToggle full screen on/off.
MMMToggle mute on/off

Image credit: Mehvish Mushtaq

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Mehvish Mushtaq

Mehvish is a tech lover from Kashmir. With a degree in computer engineering, she's always been happy to help anyone who finds technology challenging. She's been writing about technology for over six years, and her favorite topics include how-to guides, explainers, tips and tricks for Android, iOS/iPadOS, Windows, social media, and web apps.