What Is a Large Language Model (LLM) and How Does It Affect You

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Generative AI, like ChatGPT, is taking the world by storm, but the secret ingredient behind them, Large Language Models (LLMs), have been around for a while. As LLMs keep getting more sophisticated, they’re poised to revolutionize how we interact with technology altogether. This post dives into what LLMs are, how they function, and how they ultimately impact us, the end users.

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What Is a Large Language Model?

Large language models, such as OpenAI’s GPT-3.5, represent complex artificial intelligence systems. These are designed to not only understand the human-like text provided as input, but also generate text in response.

Built upon machine learning principles, LLMs rely on transformer models, a type of neural network engineered to instruct computers to process data in a way similar to the human brain. The operational principle of these neural networks involves layered nodes, which are reminiscent of the structure observed in biological neurons.

Brain model view.
Image source: Unsplash

LLMs are data-driven powerhouses. To function effectively, they are trained with many examples. This data equips them to understand and interpret the nuances of human language, alongside other complex information.

Many present-day LLMs undergo training procedures that employ datasets sourced from the Internet, but this practice can be a double-edged sword. The quality of data directly affects how well an LLM learns natural languages. Programmers can face the significant challenge of filtering and selecting high-quality data sets to ensure the LLM acquires accurate and unbiased knowledge.

Large language models are game-changers for data-driven organizations. Their immense potential lies in processing and generating massive amounts of information. Newer models excel at creating real-time, on-the-spot responses, perfect for fast-paced environments.

The advantages don’t stop there. LLMs are built on a robust and adaptable foundation, meaning they can be customized to tackle specific needs within an organization. The best part? LLMs are constantly learning and evolving. As you feed them more data and refine their parameters, their accuracy and capabilities improve, making them an ever-more valuable asset.

Difference Between Generative AI and LLMs

Today the term “generative AI” is being thrown around a lot, but what is it, and is it different from LLMs?

Generative AI is an umbrella term for artificial intelligence models that can generate new content. These models are designed to generate text or other media, while large language models specialize in text.

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How Does a Large Language Model Work?

A large language model uses a complex approach that involves multiple stages:


The LLM isn’t given any specific instructions in its unsupervised training with data. Instead, it simply processes the data it’s fed, allowing it to identify patterns and relationships within the information autonomously.

AI illustrated through coding sequences.
Image source: Unsplash

This is how the LLM begins to develop a fundamental understanding of language. At this stage, it can learn the meaning of individual words and how they interact with each other to form sentences. Moreover, the model starts to distinguish between different meanings of the same word based on the given context.

As a result of this thorough training regimen, LLMs are capable of fulfilling numerous use cases, earning them the title of foundation model. Their capacity to produce text for diverse purposes is referred to as zero-shot learning.


Zero-shot learning offers impressive versatility, but in many cases, developers and businesses require a more specific performance from their large language model. Fine-tuning addresses this need. It introduces a supervised learning stage, where the model receives specialized training to enhance its ability to identify targeted concepts with greater precision. This allows for a level of control and customization that goes beyond the general capabilities of zero-shot learning.

Several fine-tuning techniques exist, with supervised fine-tuning being the most common. Transfer learning provides another approach, but it’s important to note that all fine-tuning methods are technically a form of transfer learning. This specific process uses a pre-trained model as the starting point for fine-tuning. The pre-trained model is already trained on similar tasks, and this knowledge can be transferred to the new task.

Reinforcement From Human Learning

Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) represents a promising avenue for enhancing LLMs, by integrating human input into the training process. This approach enables LLMs to learn and adapt in real time, based on feedback from human evaluators, refining their language generation capabilities to better meet user expectations.

By leveraging reinforcement learning from human feedback, large language models can achieve greater levels of sophistication and effectiveness in various language-related tasks, benefitting users across a wide range of applications and domains.

Tip: learn how to generate images with AI in Krita by following our tutorial.

What You Should Know About LLMs

With large language models becoming more accessible, they’re significantly changing how we interact with technology and information as a whole. These models enable more intuitive and natural communication, as users can engage with systems and applications using everyday language, rather than navigating complex interfaces and learning alien commands.

Robot arm holding an AI chip.
Image source: Freepik

LLMs offer many applications, ranging from composing emails and generating code, to answering queries, translating text, and beyond. Additionally, search engines harness LLMs to enhance the relevance and context of their search results.

For businesses, a large language model can help streamline operations and improve customer experience. These AI systems can analyze vast amounts of data to gauge customer sentiment and tailor marketing strategies accordingly. Furthermore, LLMs enable the development of chatbots that handle basic customer service tasks, thereby freeing up human agents to concentrate on more complex assignments.

The rise of LLMs is also revolutionizing e-commerce by personalizing the shopping experience. Customers crave convenience and relevant product suggestions, and LLMs are the key to delivering exactly that. Businesses can leverage these models to curate personalized content, recommendations, and services.

The benefits are clear: increased customer satisfaction, higher engagement, and ultimately, boosted sales. It’s at play in the way Spotify creates custom playlists based on your listening habits through its Discover Weekly service and how Netflix tailors movie suggestions based on preferences.

As LLMs continue to advance and integrate with various applications and services, they empower users with unprecedented knowledge and capabilities, transforming the way we work, learn, and interact in the digital age.

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AI is rapidly expanding its reach, with applications emerging in nearly every industry imaginable. For instance, if you’re a teacher, you can use these AI tools to enhance your lessons. Alternatively, freelancers can employ an AI meeting assistant that will record meetings, take notes, and summarize hours of content.

Image credit: Freepik.

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Alexandra Arici
Alexandra Arici - Staff Writer

Alexandra is passionate about mobile tech and can be often found fiddling with a smartphone from some obscure company. She kick-started her career in tech journalism in 2013, after working a few years as a middle-school teacher. Constantly driven by curiosity, Alexandra likes to know how things work and to share that knowledge with everyone.