6 Ways to Make Good Use of Google Forms

How To Use Google Forms Featured

Google Forms is a fast, free, and easy-to-use online tool that has several great uses when you need to get information from a lot of people. This guide covers the best ways to make good use of Google Forms, including creating surveys, contact forms, quizzes, and more.

Good to know: learn how to make a Google Form public and share it with others.

1. Create Surveys

One of the main purposes of Google Forms is to help you create surveys. It’s free and allows you to include an unlimited number of questions. Once you create a survey, you can save it and convert it to a template. Getting started is easy, just press the + button in the lower-right part of the display on the main Google Forms page.

Pressing on the + button in Google Forms to create a new survey.

You can add questions, titles, descriptions, and images from your computer or the Web, videos via URL or YouTube, and sections that organize your survey by question or topic type. A color palette button is also available to apply color to your survey. Once you send out your survey, click the Responses tab to check your responses in Google Forms. You can also receive email notifications for new responses.

Editing a new survey using Google Forms.

However, if you get many responses and just want a quick overview, this is available from the Summary section (under Responses), which displays answers using bar and pie charts. If you prefer to save your responses for later, Google Forms has extra features that let you download them as a CSV file or print them out. When you no longer need more responses, you can deactivate the form using a convenient slider.

Tip: tried Google Forms and didn’t like it much? This list of Google Forms alternatives may be a better fit for you.

2. Set Up Quizzes or Assessments

If you’re part of the education sector, you can use Google Forms to create quick quizzes and assessments. To start creating a quiz, open a new Google Form, then click the Settings tab at the top.

Turning on "Make this a quiz" option in Google Forms.

Toggle on the switch next to Make this a quiz at the top. Also decide whether you’d like to release the marks immediately after each submission or later after a manual review.

Multiple answer formats available for quizzes in Google Forms.

A variety of question types is available for you to choose from, like multiple choice, short answers, and more. For a quiz, you can set point values and correct answers for the questions. You can also add automatic feedback for correct or incorrect answers.

3. Create Event RSVPs, Invites, and Registration

Are you planning an event like a wedding or party, maybe even a workplace function or business networking meeting, and want to get an estimate of who will attend and how many people are available? You can do all this and more using Google Forms.

Creating a RSPV form using Google Forms.

If you want, you can create your own from scratch, following pretty much the same steps as when creating a survey.

Event RSVP template view in Google Forms.

Alternatively, Google Forms also offers a few templates for RSVP, Party Invite, and Event Registration, so if you’re not feeling up to building your own forms, you can use these instead. Reach the templates by going to the Google Forms page and hovering your mouse over the + button. An option for Templates should appear right away.

FYI: you might want to get up to speed on how to manage multiple Gmail accounts and check email in one place.

4. Generate Workplace Documentation

There are several ways Google Forms come in handy in the workplace to create official documentation without a graphic designer’s help. For access, open Templates, and check the Work section.

Work Request template visible in Google Forms.

For instance, Google Forms offers a Work Request form, which is rather basic with information fields like name, email address, description, due date, and more. But you can modify it to suit your particular set of needs.

In addition, you can find a template to request time off. It includes a convenient section that allows you to describe the reason for requesting leave, but it’s optional.

Time off request template visible in Google Forms.

If your job entails seeking feedback from clients or employees, you can use the Customer Feedback or Event Feedback templates. For customers, there’s also an Order Form you can share with them.

5. Build Contacts Form

This is a great way of getting feedback or questions from customers: for example, if you run a website or company blog.

Creating Contract Information form in Google Forms from scratch.

Visitors to your site may want an easy way to connect besides social media or official email, and the contact form is the perfect channel.

Contact Information template view in Google Forms.

In Google Forms, you can create a contact form from a blank form, or use a template and embed it on a page to collect readers’ comments and standard information, like name, phone number, and email address in a Google Sheet.

Tip: if you’re just starting out with PayPal, learn how to set up an account.

6. Process Payments

You can use Google Forms to process payments for orders coming through your business. It allows customers to know where to pay.

How To Use Google Forms Presentation Confirm Message

For instance, you can use the Order Request template and include the link for the payment once the customer has submitted their order. To set that up, switch to the Settings tab, and click on Presentation.

Payment options visible upon sending Google form.

Press Edit under Confirmation message to add your payment link. Once someone fills out the order request, they can also send their payments your way by clicking on the link. Alternatively, upload an image of a QR code for payments somewhere in your form.

Related: whether you’re a student or teacher, learn how to leave a Google Classroom.

Google can help you create forms for free and assist you with other tasks as well. For instance, you can take notes with Google Keep, and do other things, too, such as set reminders or transcribe text from a handwritten list. Additionally, Google Calendar lets you share locations and invite people to events.

Image credit: Pexels. All screenshots by Alexandra Arici.

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Alexandra Arici
Alexandra Arici - Staff Writer

Alexandra is passionate about mobile tech and can be often found fiddling with a smartphone from some obscure company. She kick-started her career in tech journalism in 2013, after working a few years as a middle-school teacher. Constantly driven by curiosity, Alexandra likes to know how things work and to share that knowledge with everyone.