10 Useful Public Trello Boards to Copy to Your Account

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Beginners may find the project management platform Trello overwhelming, as there are multiple ways to organize cards and boards and use power-ups and automations. But luckily, you don’t have to start entirely from scratch. While boards are private by default, some users have created public Trello boards that you can easily copy to your dashboard.

Copy these boards by clicking on the board’s menu, going to “More,” then clicking on “Copy board.” You are then free to alter and use the board in whichever way suits you best, and it is marked private by default. We’ve gathered this list of useful public Trello boards to start you out.

Tip: need help navigating your boards? Use our Trello Keyboard Shortcuts Cheatsheet.

1. Vehicle Maintenance

This public Vehicle Maintenance Trello board was created for anybody who needs to track when their vehicle is due for a service or checkup.

Vehicle Maintenance

It has a maintenance schedule card for weekly tasks, such as checking the radiator water, and cards for tasks at specific mileage intervals. To make the planning easier, drag a card into the “Next Up” column, then into the “History” column when complete. Simple but effective.

2. Thanksgiving Meal Planner

If you have ever agreed to host family and friends for Thanksgiving, you’ll know how much stress it creates.


Thankfully, this Thanksgiving Meal board lets you keep everything organized. It is divided into several columns spanning the days leading up to Thanksgiving and what needs to happen on the day.

3. Book Clubs

How do you effectively organize what your book club is reading, what books are planned for reading, and organize titles by genre? This Book Clubs Trello board is the perfect way to do that.

Book Club

There are columns for book suggestions, genres and themes, and what has already been covered. It seems simple at first, but it will be a lifeline when the reading material starts stacking up.

FYI: are you currently using Asana but want to give Trello a try? Read this guide to help you decide whether you should migrate.

4. Study Notes

If you are struggling to keep track of your course material, what you have completed and what’s still outstanding, this Study Notes public board is an excellent resource.

Study Notes

It’s uncomplicated and divided into bite-sized columns that give you a quick overview of where you are and what needs to be done.

5. Company Overview

Created and shared by Trello’s Head of Products, this Company Overview board has been copied almost 150,000 times with almost half a million views.

Company Overview

It is an effective way for anybody to lay out their company structure, the people involved and each one’s role. In addition, each team has its own card for weekly updates, there are several project tracking stacks, and there is even a column for acknowledging the star workers of the week.

6. Design Huddle

A must-have for any creative team, this Design Huddle board is used for reviewing design concepts as a team.

Design Huddle

There are columns for positive and negative feedback on designs, a planning space for new designs, questions and general notes. Trello lets you attach images and documents to a card, making it easy to see and review content without emailing large files back and forth.

7. Go to Market Strategy

Every business must have a marketing strategy to stay ahead of the competition. This Go to Market Strategy public Trello board has everything you could possibly need to launch a new product and organize the visibility of your business.

Market Strategy

It’s easy to use, as there are only five boards that cover the necessary actions, from planning all the way through to launch. It has been copied more than 114,000 times.

Good to know: looking to do more with Trello? Try these Trello board ideas.

8. Mise-En-Place Personal Productivity System

Simple yet effective, this personal productivity board is the perfect place to organize your thoughts, plan your days and weeks ahead and stay on track with various tasks.


The board includes tips on how to automate and integrate third-party apps, a daily and weekly planner, and a space for sorting through incoming tasks.

9. Work From Home Daily Planner

With almost 100,000 copies, this Work From Home Daily Planner is the perfect board to manage your remote workday.

Work From Home

It is neatly designed, with each day of the week as a separate column where you add tasks. When a task is finished, simply drag it to the Completed column.

10. Trip to Paris Vacation Planning

Planning a holiday can quickly become overwhelming when you consider everything that needs to be accounted for, planned and executed. This vacation-planning public board is an easy way to set out where you are going, the things you want to see and the activities you want to do.

Trip To Paris

But even before you get going, there are columns for important pre-trip tasks, such as booking accommodations and flights or renewing your passport.

Good to know: if you’re still struggling with Trello, even after utilizing public Trello boards, try these useful tricks to make managing Trello cards easier.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find public boards in Trello?

Finding public Trello boards is tricky, as they aren’t indexed or crawled by search engines, such as Google and Bing. Public boards were indexed in the past, but due to user safety and security concerns, Trello’s parent company Atlassian implemented “noindex” code in 2022.

Are my Trello boards private?

When you create a new board in the left panel by clicking on the “+” icon, you can manually change the visibility. If you do nothing, the default setting is “Workspace.” This means that anybody who is part of the particular workspace can access the board. However, when you click on “Workspace” in Visibility, you can change the board to private or public.

How do I make a Trello board public?

If you’ve created a Trello board that you want to share with the community, you can easily make it public. Log in to your Trello workspace and click on the board you want to share. Next to the board’s name is the “Workspace visibility” option. Click on that, then “Public.” To confirm and finalize the change, click on “Yes, make board public.” You can change the visibility at any time when you no longer want to share it.

What is the difference between a public board and a template?

Both function in a very similar way, but there is a slight difference. Templates are static public boards that members of the Trello community have made for others to use. These are easy to copy to your workspace, and the creator pre-fills some columns and cards with useful information on how to use them, similar to a Word or Excel template.

On the other hand, a public board is an active Trello space where invited members fill in cards and move them around. It’s essentially peering behind the organizational curtain of a business, developer or publication.

Image credit: Unsplash

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Charlie Fripp

Charlie Fripp is a technology writer with a strong focus on consumer gadgets, video games, and cyber security. He holds an undergraduate degree in professional journalism and has worked as a journalist for over 15 years. In his spare time, he enjoys playing various musical instruments and gardening.