Sharing numerous photos on WhatsApp can take forever if you share them one by one. Learn how to send multiple photos on WhatsApp using a few simple steps you’ll pick up in this guide.
Good to know: bring back deleted WhatsApp messages by experimenting with these methods.
How to Send Multiple Photos at Once on WhatsApp
Follow the steps below if the images you want to share come from your phone or PC’s gallery:
Open a chat in your WhatsApp Android app, and press on the paper clip icon in the text box at the bottom. On iPhone, tap the + button on the left side of the text box.
Select Gallery in the menu at the bottom. Access the folder where the desired photos are stored. Long-press on an image, then tap on the others to select multiple photos. When you’re done, press the green checkmark at the bottom of the display.
Edit or add a caption for each image. Switch between them by tapping on the small preview thumbnails at the bottom, then press the arrow button to send them on their way.
Your images will appear in your conversation.
FYI: share your WhatsApp profile via a link to easily connect with others.
You can also send multiple images from WhatsApp for desktop.
Open a conversation, and click the paper clip icon on the left side of the text box, then select Photos & videos.
Go to the folder on your PC that holds the desired images. Click on the first image, then press Ctrl + click to select the other images. Press Open.
Edit the images if you wish to, then press the Send button.
The images will appear in the conversation.
Good to know: you can use WhatsApp as a note-taking app.
How to Send Multiple Photos in WhatsApp Using iPhone Photos App
You don’t even have to open WhatsApp to share your images if you’re using an iPhone. You can send multiple photos on WhatsApp from the Photos app. It also works from other gallery apps.
Open the Photos app on your iPhone, and locate the images you want to share on WhatsApp. Press the Select button at the top.
Tap on the images you want to send, then press the Share icon in the bottom-left corner.
If you use WhatsApp frequently, you will see a few suggested WhatsApp chats to share to. If you don’t see them, tap on the WhatsApp icon underneath instead.
Select the person (or group) in the list, then press Next.
Add a caption for each of your photos if desired. Press the Send icon.
FYI: learn how to search messages in WhatsApp.
How to Send Multiple Photos in WhatsApp Using Google Photos
If you’re using an Android device, you can easily share to WhatsApp from Google Photos without even opening the messaging app. This works with other gallery apps, too, that you’re using on your Android phone. iPhone users can also use the Google Photos app.
Open Google Photos and navigate to the desired images. Long-press on a photo, then tap on the remaining images to select them.
Press the Share icon at the bottom. Tap on WhatsApp in the second row. If you already see the chat, tap it in the top row.
Note: you can also opt for the Create Link option, then share it via WhatsApp manually.
Select the conversation, and press the Send button.
Edit the images if you desired, and add a caption, then press Send again.
FYI: did you know that WhatsApp now has channels? Learn where to find them.
Now that you know how to easily send multiple photos on WhatsApp, perhaps you’d also be interested to read about sending high-quality videos on WhatsApp. It may also prove useful to know how to hide your WhatsApp status on your phone.
All images & screenshots by Alexandra Arici.
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