Ever type a message in WhatsApp and wish you could use bold text or italics to emphasize your point? This tutorial shows how to format text in WhatsApp and change styles without leaving the app.
Good to know: you can share your WhatsApp profile via a link.
How to Format Text in WhatsApp Chats
There are multiple options for WhatsApp text formatting in your conversations.
To get started, open a private or group chat. You can change the text styles without leaving the WhatsApp app by adding different symbols to the beginning and end of the text. Once you type the second symbol, you will see the change in your text, even before you send it. Use these formatting options in the mobile app and desktop app.
To add italics to your text, place an underscore on either side of the message you want to change, as follows:
_hi there_
Change plain text to bold by placing an asterisk before and after the text.
*Hi there*
If you want someone to get your point without actually saying it, use strikethrough text by adding a tilde on both sides of the text.
~Not tonight~
Note: keep in mind that WhatsApp now also lets you edit messages.
Coders may want to send lines of code for others to copy. Do this by sending your text with three backticks at the beginning and end.
```<canvas id="dragon" width="800" height="600"></canvas>```
Bulleted List
WhatsApp also lets you create bullet lists. That can come in handy, especially since WhatsApp can act as a note-taking app and also allows you to send messages to yourself. To create a list, try one of the following options:
* apples<br>* milk
- apples<br>- milk
Numbered list
If you prefer creating a numbered list instead, place a number followed by a period and then write your text. Once you press Enter after the first item, the next number will appear, waiting for the next item in the list.
1. apples<br>2. milk<br>3. oranges
You can also add a quote into a WhatsApp message by adding a bracket and space before the text.
> Alea iacta est
Inline code
Add inline code to your message by inserting the text between backticks.
`body { background-color: #eee; }`
Tip: learn how to hide a WhatsApp status on your phone.
How to Format Specific Text in WhatsApp Chats
You can also format specific bits of text in your WhatsApp conversations. On your mobile, highlight that part of the text with your finger. This option is not available in the desktop app.
In the small menu, change the formatting to Bold or Italic.
Tap the three vertical dots to get more options.
Select Strikethrough or Monospace.
Alternatively, place the cursor at the beginning of the section of text, and manually add the desired formatting symbols.
Press Space after the final symbol to view that part of the formatting, then press Enter to send it.
FYI: did you know that WhatsApp now has channels? Learn how to find them and use them.
How to Change Fonts in WhatsApp Using Websites
If you want to add even more style to your WhatsApp messages, you can copy text from a generative website like igfonts.io, Lingojam, or Yaytext.
For the sake of these instructions, we’re using Yaytext.
Open the site in your browser. Type your text in the box, and watch as different fonts and styles populate the site. Scroll through them until you find one you like, then click the Copy button next to it.
Paste the text into your WhatsApp message, and send it on its way.
Tip: these generative sites also work on other websites, such as Facebook, Instagram, and X (Twitter).
How to Change Fonts in WhatsApp Using a Third-Party App
If you don’t want to copy and paste from your browser, you can download a third-party app that will give you more options for your text styles. You can try an app like Fonts Art that replaces your keyboard, allowing you to access several font options and styles.
After installing Fonts Art and enabling the necessary permissions, open WhatsApp and go to a conversation. Tap on the message field below to bring up your keyboard, and select a new font from the option at the top.
Write your message in WhatsApp, and press send. You can easily switch between fonts. Note that to unlock some fonts, you may have to watch an ad or upgrade to a paid tier for the app.
Good to know: check out more keyboard apps for Android that can enhance your typing.
If you want to make a point or brighten someone’s day, format your text in WhatsApp using different styles and fonts. You can also make use of sticker packs to send interactive messages to your friends. To enhance your WhatsApp experience even more, learn how to change your WhatsApp profile or group picture.
Image credit: Unsplash. All screenshots by Alexandra Arici.
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